
The Recipe Book in my MITFIT 90 program contains 50 of my personal recipes that I’ve experimented with over the years to make tasty foods that work with food intolerances and allergies. These are not recipes I copied from other websites! Over the years I had to experiment with all sorts of ingredients to help my condition, and believe me, I made tons of mistakes along the way! Just ask my husband, ha ha! So here I've included recipes that are proven to work and are easy to make. I also tried to stay away from suggesting crazy ingredients that are impossible to find! I know how frustrating that can be.

The Recipe Book also includes quick, easy meal ideas for you to mix and match to create your own balanced and healthy combinations.

The recipes are easy accessible on the MITFIT 90 site, or you can download a PDF version to keep! So are you ready to enjoy cooking and eating again?