Cocolime Fitness

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Could Moderate Intensity Exercise Be The Key To Losing Weight After All?

Have you ever felt FATTER during the periods you exercised the most? How about feeling more tired, more inflamed, and having more pain? If you are living though this scenario right now, trust me, you're not alone, and the solution is definitely not pushing through it to be like everybody else. Sure, it can be very frustrating and you may feel like throwing in the towel for good, but before you do that, how about taking a fresh look at the situation? Maybe instead of viewing this as a problem, we can think of it like a new discovery. Is it crazy to think that high intensity training (HIIT) that’s so popular today is NOT the most effective method for everyone? Could it even be counterproductive for some people? And if we choose to pursue a more gentle approach to exercise, can we really expect major results?

Since it may have been a while since you enjoyed exercising I ask you to indulge me for a moment and imagine that there does exist actual routines that help you lose weight, sculpt your figure and you enjoy doing them so much each day you're ready for more! Oh, and yes I was including those of us living with chronic pain and fatigue every day. Well I'm happy to share with you that this does exist and it's exactly what I've been working on over the past several years! I know this method can help you change the way you approach exercising forever. First, I'd like to share with you a little about my story, how I came up with this unique method of exercising,  and why I feel it is the most effective way for people like me (and I think you, too) to exercise.

My name is Suzanne and I've been in the fitness industry for some 25 years. I was a trained fitness instructor and personal trainer and of course along the way I got caught up with the popular thinking of the time that high intensity training and other challenging workouts were the only way to get in shape and lose weight. I looked around and it seemed to be working for everyone else, so I figured it should work for me, too. So like many others did, I pushed and pushed myself. Unfortunately, the more I pushed, the worse I felt. I was in more pain and was totally exhausted.

One day after teaching a one hour long cardio kickboxing class I became so dizzy I could barely hold myself upright. I quickly stood near a wall to prop myself up to prevent from falling down in front of the entire class. I could barely catch my breath and felt as if I was near to passing out. My legs felt like two cement blocks. It was clear, something had to change. For years I had been fighting through the pain and fatigue but it wasn't until this particular day that I knew I was different than the other trainers who could easily perform hours of group fitness classes each week without experiencing these kinds of symptoms. Thinking back to what went through my mind that day I realized that something was wrong, but today I'd like to approach it differently. Sure my body was not reacting perfectly, but nobody's does, and this was my DISCOVERY.

Well, like most discoveries, I didn't quite realize it was a discovery at the time, and would subsequently follow a course of seeing countless doctors over the next few years, finally to be told that I might have fibromyalgia and or ME/CFS. Now here's where things get interesting (if you could see me right now I am doing air quotes around the word, interesting). These conditions I was diagnosed with have a multitude of symptoms including chronic fatigue and becoming exhausted after forms of exertion. Currently there is no cure for these things, but there's a lot of data showing what makes it worse. Can you guess what that is? Yes, you're right, it's high intensity training and other similar forms of exercising. So here's a big part of my discovery: I was doing the wrong kinds of exercising for my body. Basically, everything I was doing to try to get better was doing the exact opposite. I'm sure you, too, have collected plenty of data on your own that supports this theory. 

Not only was I feeling worse from this kind of exercising, but I wasn’t improving the way I looked either. So despite exercising for hours each week I couldn’t lose the belly fat I wanted to, I didn’t see much improvement in muscle mass, and overall I just felt puffy and inflamed.

Then I entered the Yoyo stage. On bad days I’d do something gentle like a stretch, and on good days I’d try a high intensity workout (because I couldn’t find something in between). This didn’t work either. I realized that if I was going to find something that actually gave me results without making me crash, I’d have to create it myself.

I started experimenting on myself with unique combinations of exercises, and varying levels of intensity and range of motion. After many months of work I found a combination that would consistently leave me feeling better, stronger, leaner, etc. Honestly, it was hard for me to believe at first. After years of struggling, I was working out daily without crashing, I had much less pain to deal with, and even that annoying inflammation and belly fat - it was disappearing!

Unfortunately I stubbornly hadn’t finished my Yoyo stage yet, so once I started to feel better, I got too excited and started pushing myself to exercise at higher intensities again and with heavy weights, too… You can guess what happened…

The Yoyo stage did help me, though, to understand my discovery. The method that I had come up with earlier that year is what I need to stick with consistently. And when I went back to it,  immediately the inflammation dropped, muscle mass increased, and the belly fat went away. So really my discovery was to find the proper exercise method that my body responds well to, and that I needed to stick with it! 

The real test of my new method would be if it could help others as well, so I decided to share my new workouts on YouTube. After just a few months of doing so I started receiving consistent feedback from others who went through similar struggles to myself that were now achieving fantastic results! From there the news spread and thousands have since tried my workouts and agree that you don’t need to go crazy in the gym to get fit, lose weight and feel better. You just need the right kind of workouts. And this is what Cocolime Fitness is all about.

So if you can relate to my story at all, I’d absolutely love it if you would give my method a try for just a few months to see if you, too, achieve the positive results I have. I remember how discouraging it was to try so hard to improve my health and quality of life and fail time after time. It’s my goal to help as many of you as I can get out of the Yoyo stage and begin living your life again! Whether you are simply looking for workouts that get you real results without leaving you in pain and exhausted, or you’re dealing with a chronic condition like fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, POTS, and more, I encourage you, please, to try Cocolime Fitness! I am absolutely positive you will love how you look and feel after just a few routines. 

In my Cocolime Fitness TV subscription you’ll find over 100 of my routines (and counting) of varying levels of intensity for everyone from beginners to to advanced exercisers. This growing library consists of a wide variety of styles including cardio routines, all seated or all standing workouts, isolated toning routines for arms, legs, abs, etc. and gentle stretch routines that are good for CFS and adrenal fatigue. There’s really something for all of you and your changing needs and fitness levels over time. The music I use is fun and I never pressure you to push yourself too hard during a workout. Actually I always encourage you to listen to what your body is telling you and modify, adjust, or just rest, when it tells you to. Believe me, you will see fantastic results with my method!

If you’re still feeling a bit skeptical about all this, please read through the many customer reviews and testimonials on my site. You’ll see how people dealing with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, past injuries and more have made amazing changes using Cocolime Fitness routines. And if you’d like to meet some of them, join our FREE Community where you can ask questions, make new friends, and contribute to an amazing support system for those of us dealing with chronic conditions, but who are not giving up yet!

After Yoyo exercising for so long, I’ve finally accepted my discovery that for my body I need to keep exercising this way, and I’ve been consistently doing so for the past 7 years, with no plans of turning back! If you’ve experienced some of the things I have, remember Einstein’s famous words: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” It’s so true, so convince yourself that it’s time to make a change! Come join us at Cocolime Fitness and you just might find your discovery and a new way to exercise forever!

Suzanne W.