Cocolime Fitness

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Salmon Sweet Potato Salad: Soy Free

Salad Ingredients:

  • Baked sweet potato cubes (as many as you like) -Cut potatoes into cubes and place on a greased cookie sheet. Top with sea salt. Cook in a 425 degree oven for 20 minutes or until light brown. Let cool.

  • Baked Salmon with sea salt, lemon and paprika -Place salmon on a small pan with sea salt, lemon and paprika. Cook in 350 degree oven covered with tin foil for 10-12 minutes or until well cooked. Let cool.

  • Cut lettuce

  • Cubed beets

  • Sliced purple onions

  • Chopped parsley

  • Shredded carrots

  • Cherry tomatoes halved


Add all ingredients nicely together in a salad bowl.

Salad Dressing Ingredients:

  • 1 lemon squeezed

  • 1 tangerine or orange squeezed 

  • 1/2 cup sesame oil

  • 3-4 cloves peeled garlic 

  • 1 inch peeled ginger

  • A pinch of sea salt

  • A pinch of red pepper flakes

  • 1 tablespoon honey


Add all of the above ingredients into a high powered blender and mix until smooth. Add to a glass jar with a lid and keep in your fridge for later use. Add as much dressing to your salad as you prefer. Enjoy.